May 15th Berlin! Launch Event! Fenix Designer Bert Vermeulen Live Show! Afrorack and Special Guests BERLIN!

"Oh, you’re the ones building the Fénix!" a customer remarked during their first visit. Indeed, we are. And so, we are engaged daily in collaboration with Bert Vermeulen (NL), the designer of the Fénix. He has his own stories to tell, and we’re thrilled to announce that Bert will be visiting our Berlin store on May 15th. Not only will he walk us through the Fénix, but he’ll also unveil a new creation: Aulos. Sounds powerful, right? At some point during this night, Bert will be joined on stage by another designer: Brian Bamanya (UG), also known as Afrorack. You might have heard of him as the first person to build DIY modular synth setups in Africa. It’s a compelling tale of self-empowerment: he taught himself electronics and went for it. Following the talk, Brian will deliver an improvised live-set on his ever-evolving machine. To complete the lineup, we will have a special guest.