past /// September 5th (Berlin): Make a Music Thing 8mu with Tom Whitwell

Berlin, September 5th
Patch Point, Forster Str. 46, 10999 Berlin, 6:45pm
We are pleased to announce that Tom Whitwell will be with us for one evening in September!
Based in London, Tom designs open source electronic musical instruments and runs Music Thing Modular. Coming to Patch Point he will talk about his work and share his thoughts about 'Why designing electronics is easier than it looks'. Tom will also guide us through the build of the 8mu.
The 8mu is a hackable pocket-sized MIDI controller (slightly smaller than a credit card) with eight faders that can send messages via MIDI. The 8mu also has a built in accelerometer which measures how the device is being held. This creates eight more control signals, mapped to gestures like “lift the front” or “turn me over”. There are four tiny buttons along the top edge, which can be configured to send MIDI notes (like a keyboard) or control signals.
It contains 8 banks of settings which can be switched using the buttons, and has leds hidden behind the faders. They glow through the slightly translucent fader track to indicate MIDI being sent from that fader, and which bank is being selected.
8mu has a web editor where you can edit all the settings. It is designed to be open and hackable.
The kit is suitable for people who have never soldered before.
Come and join the Music Thing Modular DIY workshop!