
Patch Point's community includes artists, musicians, and instrument builders. Learn a little bit about some of the people we collaborate with and how they work with our instruments!

  • Violeta Azevedo

    Violeta uses several of Patch Point's instruments in her compositions and performances, including the Tetrax, Peterlin, and Clicker. She also helped create the Clicker Patch Saver and designs and manufactures all KnobKnobs knobs.

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  • Wilted Woman

    Davis uses a Zenert Tocante in her music and performances, including at the opening weekend of our Lisbon location. She also used a residency at Patch Point to record with the BugBrand Blue modular synthesizer and a Cocoquantus.

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  • Hainbach

    Hainbach created an installation and one-off performance at our Berlin location called Landfill Totems that eventually expanded into a full album and an accompanying sound library. He also performed at the opening weekend of our Lisbon shop and is an avid user of our instruments.

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  • Zoë Mc Pherson

    Zoë has been an artist in residence at our studios in Berlin and Lisbon in 2020 and 2023 respectively.

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  • Russell E. L. Butler

    Russell has been an artist in residence at Patch Point in 2021 and 2023. They used our instruments to sample interesting textures and drum sounds to be used in compositions using the samplers and sequencers they rely on at home.

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