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Active Pro / Noise / Precision CV-Pro

Active Pro / Noise / Precision CV-Pro

Regular price €369.75 EUR
Regular price Reduced price €369.75 EUR
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by Random*Source

Factory built. 2 year warranty.

The Active Processor (ACPR) is an accurate, linear crossfader for either control voltages or audio signals. The new version designed by Serge in 2017 offers a widely increased precision. This module provides an important link in complex patches, allowing to smoothly change from one control voltage to another. It is possible to cross- fade between different envelopes, for example, or to gradually switch control over a bank of oscillators from one output of a sequencer to another output. The ACPR also offers interesting uses in the audio range, from wave- blending even to waveshaping (with CV in audio-range).

The Serge NOISE SOURCE (NOI) generates both white and pink noise waveforms. The S/H Source output pro- duces the necessary input for a sample and hold function to produce equi-probable random voltages, similar to a 1/F distribution function and is a perfect companion for the Smoothed & Stepped Generator (SSG).

The Precision CV-Processor (CV-PRO) is also a new development that goes beyond adding and inverting control voltages. A precision input stage allows mixing 1V/ Oct voltages, e.g. to cent-accurately transpose sequences (i.e. stay in tune). A switch transposes precisely one octave up or down. The attenuverting stage offers full processing control of level and polarity of three inputs voltages includ- ing Serge’s unique diode-based wave-compression. This new version now allows using the non-linear attenuverter mixing stage with precise 1V/Oct (AUX) inputs without los- ing their precision. IN 1 is normalled to 5V and therefore can be used to add an DC offset when no input signal is present.



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